Being a fan of Harry Potter and since I have recently started watching Smallville like a mad person...
This thing has intrigued me.... well... its as u see Superheros' crushes and the story behind them..... they are:
1. Lara Lang of Smallville (Superman)
2. Cho Chang of Harry Potter
Well if anyone has an eye they will notice what I have.... that NOT just their names sound similar but alot of stuff in the two stories is similar or you can say same..... so here we go....
1. Both our superheroes initially get nervous around their crushes....
2. Well this is my favorite... well...... notice that in both cases our hero loves the girl but unfortunately our dream girl already has someone she is crazy about..... and then here is the twist both their dream guys go to battle and die in the battle (fight)...
3. When they competition dies they get close initially .... and after that they blow it...
4. Well they look very similar... he he he.....
But as far as i have seen our heroes romantic life is hell like similar........ they are so identical it seems like the same person has written them....
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